Life threatening situation? Always call 112

GP emergency station Gorinchem

  • Address of GP emergency station Gorinchem
  • Zip code of GP emergency station Gorinchem
  • Phone number of GP emergency station Gorinchem 0183 - 64 64 10 for emergency in the evening / night and on weekends
  • Contact with our administration during office hours? Not for medical questions
  • Administration email of GP emergency station Gorinchem
  • Route description Do not come to the GP emergency post without an appointment

Opening hours
Monday – Friday:
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.

Saturday, Sunday and nationally recognized holidays:
24 hours a day

The Gorinchem GP Emergency Station is located next to the emergency room of the Beatrix Hospital.
We share the same entrance. Report to the barrier. Then you can park the car. Upon entering, you will immediately see the front desk of the medical station.

Google maps image for GP emergency station Gorinchem